Monday, September 7th, 2020
If you haven’t already, you’re probably going to get a notice from DBT announcing YOU are responsible for paying for a required hardware upgrade to THEIR network. Verizon is phasing out the 3G network, and 3G modems must be upgraded by January 2021. We at RSINet have known this for a few years, and have planned for it – at NO cost to our customers.
To make a customer pay for a required upgrade in our view is just wrong. So we just want every airport manager, Board member, and financial office to know…
RSINet never charges for hardware. We send you the modem for free (we are also updating all our 3G customers for free). If it requires an external antenna, you get that for free as well. The only condition is it remains our property and if we want it back if the airport ever cancels the contract, then you send it back.
Bottom line – before you write that check, check with us. We will switch you seamlessly for free, and now is the time. You’ll be in good company. Check out some of our other RSINet announcements in this section and see who all is on board!
Send us an email at or call 800-261-1774 ext 1.
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